What is The Function Of A Fuel Filter?

by | Filters

The fuel filter in a car is responsible for ensuring the quality of the vehicle’s fuel. It prevents contaminants from entering the engine by trapping them in its mesh and filtering them out before they can cause any damage. Furthermore, it helps remove any remaining gasoline that may have evaporated and provides insight into potential blockages or issues within the fuel system. A clean and functional fuel filter is necessary for optimal performance and helps protect your engine and your wallet.

What happens when fuel filter is not working?

A misfire or other engine problems might result from a blocked fuel filter, which reduces fuel pressure. There may be an increase in emissions, a decrease in fuel economy, and the illumination of the “check engine” warning light as a consequence. When the warning indicator comes on, it’s time to take the car in for service.

Can a fuel filter cause loss of power?

A blocked fuel filter prevents the proper amount of gasoline from reaching the engine chamber, reducing the engine’s efficiency. Reduced acceleration power and random jolts are to be expected.

How long do fuel filters usually last?

Fuel filters should be changed anywhere from every 20,000 kilometres to once every 150,000 kilometres, depending on the manufacturer. If your car is getting older, it’s time to start thinking about getting a new filter. It’s because the filter becomes more difficult to clean after seven years of use due to the increased accumulation of rust, dirt, and debris.

How to replace a fuel filter?
